About Us

Shared situations can improve and become more lively when people can relate to the proximity of their shared situation. The Shared Situation Guide, and the ProxThink Growth Model approach it uses, can enable groups to do that in mobile, networked ways.

The Shared Situation Guide may assist many small to medium size groups with a shared situation, from groups of friends or associates within organizations, to neighborhoods and small communities. The Shared Situation Guide grew out of the ProxThink framework and helps create sustainable variety (SustaVariety).

This site has links to begin using the shared situation guide, provides starter sets for some common shared situations, points to workshops for learning the guide, and helps people find and collaborate with others using the guide for shared situations. 

Since the Shared Situation Guide grew out of the proximity thinking framework, links here may take you to pages related to ProxThink, the main website proxthink.com, or the more mobile-friendly site proxthink.wordpress.com.

This Shared Situations site functions under the ProxThink Terms of Use, including the Proxri Deal. As boring as the Terms of Use is, it is probably the friendliest terms of use you’ve seen. Why? Mainly because parts of it, including the Proxri Deal, Collaboration Deal, Online Session Agreement, and Intellectual Property Deal, integrate some of the proximity thinking framework. This makes these Terms of Use a better fit for our networked world. Discover more about proxri and proxri us here.

If you have comments or questions, or want to get more involved in this project, contact us here.

Thanks and I hope you find the site and the Shared Situation Guide useful and enjoyable!

David Loughry

Are you finding this interesting, useful, rewarding? Guess what, it’s offered to you in a way that enables you and others to enjoy life more, with more sustainable variety (SustaVariety) and more sustainable proximities. That’s because it’s offered under the Proxri Deal. Here’s the essence: As you find our relationship rewarding, proxri (short for ProxReward) with the proximity in mind. You can explore the full Proxri Deal and the proximity, and then proxri for your benefits and/or proxri to support this project, right here.

Copyright © 2024 David Loughry, and any use is subject to the ProxThink Proxri Deal (see paragraph above) and Terms of Use.

This Shared Situations project is a ProxThink Project (since it’s based on the ProxThink framework), and it’s covered by the ProxThink Proxri Deal, Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy.